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A member registered Jul 24, 2020

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*forehead smack*  I didn't have the echo flag checked.  With the way I write in ink this omitted a bunch of diverts and broke the whole thing.  Everything works swimmingly now that I have the flag checked.  Thanks for the help!  This tool rocks!

Hi, this is going to be a fantastic tool!  I've been playing with it a bit and have noticed that there's inconsistent handling of [] in choices.  Alternately it seems to omit the text after the bracket, work perfectly, skip forward to a different knot (!?!!), or closes the say dialogue (maybe it skipped forward to a ->DONE in these instances?).   I'm not sure where to begin figuring out where this issue comes from, but I figured I'd make a thread about it so someone with more familiarity with the guts of this tool can take a look at it if they feel so inclined.  

Thanks again for making this thing, Ink+Fungus is a match made in heaven and I wish it had been around before I created something MUCH rougher from scratch for my current project (My core competency is writing in Ink, so my C# scripting is messy AF).  Keep up the good work!